Nihari in our Kitchen Simple Steps to Yummy

 Nihari is a very tasty and popular dish in some parts of the world like Pakistan and India. It's a type of stew that is known for its rich and flavorful taste. People usually enjoy it for breakfast or brunch. 

Nihari is often made with beef or other types of meat. It's cooked slowly for many hours, usually overnight, so that the meat becomes very tender and the flavors develop fully. This slow cooking process gives the dish its unique taste and texture. The stew is made with a mixture of spices and herbs, which gives it a strong and aromatic flavor. Some common spices used in nihari include ginger, garlic, and various warming spices like cloves, cinnamon, and cardamom. These spices make the dish very fragrant and delicious.

Nihari is also known for its thick and flavorful gravy. This gravy is made by letting the meat and spices cook together for a long time. The result is a thick and hearty sauce that goes really well with bread or rice. People often eat nihari with special bread called "naan." They dip the naan into the flavorful gravy and enjoy the rich taste. It's a dish that brings families and friends together, especially on special occasions.

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Because nihari takes a long time to cook, it's often considered a special treat. It's a dish that's loved by many because of its amazing taste and the effort that goes into making it. So, if you ever get the chance to try nihari, you should definitely give it a taste.

Here's how to make it:


o 1 kg meat (beef or mutton), cut into chunks

o   2 tablespoons oil or ghee (clarified butter)
o   2 onions, sliced
o   4 cloves of garlic, minced
o   1-inch piece of ginger, grated
o   2 tablespoons nihari spice mix (available in stores)
o   1 teaspoon turmeric powder
o   Salt to taste
o   6-8 cups water
o   Chopped fresh cilantro and green chilies for garnish
o   Slices of ginger for garnish
o   2-3 tablespoons all-purpose flour (optional, for thickening)


Step by step Instructions:

    •   Heat the oil or ghee in a large pot over medium heat.  
    • Add the sliced onions and cook until they become golden brown.
    •  Add the minced garlic and grated ginger. Sauté for a couple of minutes until they release their aroma.  
    •  Put in the meat chunks and cook until they are browned on all sides. 
    •  Mix in the nihari spice mix, turmeric powder, and salt. Stir well to coat the meat with the spices. 
    •  Pour in the water, making sure the meat is fully submerged. Bring it to a boil. 
    • Once it's boiling, lower the heat to the lowest setting, cover the pot with a lid, and let it simmer. This slow cooking is important for the flavors to develop and the meat to become tender.
    • Allow the nihari to cook for several hours, even up to 6-7 hours if possible. You can also use a slow cooker for this step.
    •  If you want a thicker gravy, you can mix a few tablespoons of all-purpose flour with water to make a smooth paste. Stir this paste into the nihari and let it cook for an additional 30 minutes.   
    • Taste and adjust the seasoning if needed.  


                        Tips to help you make perfect nihari at home:


                        1.    Choose the Right Meat: For a tasty nihari, choose beef or mutton that has a bit of fat. This fat adds flavor and keeps the meat tender as it cooks.

                        2.    Slow and Steady Wins: Nihari is all about slow cooking. Once you've added the ingredients and spices, let it cook on low heat for a long time. This slow cooking allows the flavors to come together and the meat to become really soft. If you have a slow cooker, it's a great option for making nihari. 

                        3.    Brown the Meat Well: Before you start adding spices, make sure to brown the meat nicely. This means cooking the meat until it turns a deep, rich color. Browning adds a wonderful depth of flavor to your nihari. 

                        4.    Golden Brown Onions: When you're frying onions for nihari, make sure to cook them until they turn golden brown. This gives a slightly sweet taste to the dish and enhances its overall flavor.

                        5.    Fresh Ginger and Garlic: If you can, use fresh ginger and garlic. These two ingredients add a strong and delicious taste to your nihari. You can grate the ginger and mince the garlic to get the best flavors. 

                        6.    Nihari Spice Mix: To get the authentic taste of nihari, try using a nihari spice mix that you can find in stores. It's a blend of spices that works perfectly for this dish.

                        7.    Balance the Spices: While spices are important, don't go overboard. Add spices gradually and taste as you go. You want a balanced flavor where no single spice overwhelms the others.

                        8.    Thickening the Gravy: If you want a thicker gravy, you can mix a few tablespoons of all-purpose flour with water until it becomes a smooth paste. Add this paste towards the end of cooking and let the nihari simmer a bit longer. This will thicken the gravy and make it more luxurious.

                        9.    Taste and Adjust: As your nihari cooks, taste it occasionally. This is your chance to adjust the seasoning. If you feel it needs more salt or spices, you can add them bit by bit.

                        10.  Garnish Gracefully: When you're ready to serve, add some final touches. Chopped fresh cilantro, green chilies, and slices of ginger make great garnishes. They not only look good but also add extra flavors.

                        11.  Be Patient: Making nihari takes time, so be patient. Allow it to cook slowly, and don't rush the process. The longer it cooks, the better it will taste 

                        12.  Perfect Pairing: Nihari tastes amazing with naan (a special bread) or rice. The soft and flavorful meat goes wonderfully with these sides. 

                        13.  Enjoy Leftovers: Nihari often tastes even better the next day. The flavors continue to meld, making it a delicious leftover meal

                        Making nihari is like creating a work of art with flavors. Take your time, enjoy the process,

                        and savor the delightful outcome!

                        Here’s a list of things you can serve with nihari:

                        Naan or Rice: Nihari goes really well with naan (a special kind of bread) or plain rice. You can tear off pieces of naan and dip them into the flavorful gravy or enjoy it with a scoop of rice.

                        Garnishes: Sprinkle some chopped fresh cilantro, green chilies, and slices of ginger on top of the nihari. These garnishes add color, freshness, and extra flavors to the dish.

                        Lemon Wedges: Serving nihari with lemon wedges is common. Squeezing a bit of lemon juice over the dish can add a tangy twist that enhances the taste.

                        Sliced Onions: Thinly sliced onions, soaked in vinegar or lemon juice, can be served alongside nihari. They provide a crunchy contrast to the tender meat.

                        Boiled Eggs: Some people like to serve boiled eggs with nihari. You can slice the boiled eggs and place them next to the dish.

                        Chutney: A side of mint or tamarind chutney can complement the richness of nihari. These sauces add a touch of sweetness or tanginess.

                        Yogurt: A bowl of plain yogurt can balance the spiciness of nihari if you prefer a cooler taste.

                             Nutrition Facts:

                      ·         Calories                           654kcal
                      ·         Protein                   27.9g
                      ·         Fat                         52.6g
                      ·         Saturated fat        14.4g
                      ·         Trans fat              0.2g
                      ·         Cholesterol        108.0mg
                      ·         Carbohydrate      18.1g
                      ·         Sugars (Total)      1.6g
                      ·         Fiber                    5.1g
                      ·         Sodium               1314.00mg
                      ·         Salt                      3.2g
                      ·         Iron                      4.3mg
                      ·         Vitamin A           84.3RAE
                      ·         Vitamin C         50.8mg
                      ·         Vitamin D          0.0mcg
                      ·         Vitamin B        122.1mcg
                      ·         Potassium       582.7mg

                      Prep Time: 30 min

                      Cook Time: 6-7 hours

                      Total Time: 7 hours 30 min

                      Servings: 5

                      Author: Asma Rasool

                      Easy Homemade Chicken Karahi Recipe Just Like a Restaurant

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