Home made crunchy Potato fries recipe


Crispy potato snacks are yummy and crunchy snacks made from potatoes. These snacks are thin and crispy, like a chip. They come in many different shapes and flavors.

People love to munch on these snacks while watching movies, playing games, or just having fun with friends. They make a tasty treat that's easy to enjoy.

Crispy potato snacks are a type of treat. It's good to eat them in moderation as part of a balanced diet. Too many snacks might not be very healthy for our bodies.

So, next time you want a crunchy and delicious snack, you might want to try some crispy potato snacks!

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How to make crispy fries:


o   2 large potatoes

o   Salt (as per taste)

o   Cooking oil



o   Knife

o   Bowl

o   Paper towels

o   Frying pan

o   Slotted spoon

o   Plate



1. Wash the Potatoes:

   Ask a grown-up for help.

   Wash the potatoes under cool water to clean them well.


2. Peel the Potatoes:

    Use a peeler or a knife to take off the skin from the potatoes.

    Be careful with the knife. You can ask a grown-up to do this part.


3. Slice the Potatoes:

    Carefully slice the potatoes into very thin pieces. They should be as thin as paper.

    You can use a knife or ask a grown-up for help.

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4. Wash the Potato Slices:

   Put the sliced potatoes in a bowl of water and swirl them around.

   This helps remove extra starch from the potatoes.


5. Dry the Potato Slices:

    Place the potato slices on paper towels and pat them dry gently.


6. Heat the Oil:

   Ask a grown-up for help with this step.

   Put cooking oil in a frying pan. The oil should be about 1 inch deep.

   Heat the oil on the stove over medium heat. Be careful, hot oil can hurt.


7. Fry the Potato Slices:

    When the oil is hot, carefully add a few potato slices at a time. Don't overcrowd the pan.

    Let them fry until they turn golden and crispy. This might take a few minutes.


8. Take Out the Slices:

    Use a slotted spoon to carefully take out the crispy potato slices from the oil.

    Put them on a plate lined with paper towels to soak up the extra oil.


9. Season with Salt:

   Sprinkle a little salt over the hot crispy potato slices. You can use as much as you like.


10. Cool and Enjoy:

     Let the potato slices cool down a bit before eating.

     Once they're cool, you can munch on your tasty homemade crispy potato snacks!

Be very careful with the hot oil and knives. It's a good idea to have a grown-up help you with the frying part. Enjoy your delicious homemade snacks!

Tips for Making Perfect Crispy Potato Snacks:


1. Choose Good Potatoes:

    Pick fresh and firm potatoes from the store. They should not have any sprouts or soft spots.

2. Clean the Potatoes Well:

    Wash the potatoes under water to remove dirt. Use your hands or a brush gently.

3. Use a Safe Knife:

    If you're slicing the potatoes yourself, use a sharp knife and be careful. Ask a grown-up for help if needed.

4. Thin Slices for Crunch:

    Try to slice the potatoes as thin as you can. Thin slices make the snacks extra crunchy.

5. Remove Extra Starch:

    Soak the sliced potatoes in water and swish them around. This helps remove starch, and your snacks will be crispier.

6. Dry the Potato Slices:

    After washing, pat the potato slices dry using paper towels. Dry potatoes fry better.

7. Oil Temperature Matters:

    Heat the oil slowly over medium heat. Too hot oil can burn the snacks, and too cold oil can make them soggy.

8. Fry in Small Batches:

    Don't put too many potato slices in the pan at once. Fry them in small batches so they cook evenly.

9. Watch and Flip:

    Keep an eye on the slices while frying. When they turn golden on one side, gently flip them to cook the other side.

10. Use a Slotted Spoon:

     Use a slotted spoon to take out the snacks from the oil. This helps drain the excess oil.

11. Paper Towels for Extra Oil:

     Place the fried snacks on paper towels. This helps soak up any extra oil.

12. Season Right after Frying:

   Sprinkle a little salt or your favorite seasoning while the snacks are still hot. This way, the flavors stick well.

13. Let Them Cool:

    Allow the snacks to cool down a bit before eating. They'll become even crunchier as they cool.

14. Store Properly:

     If you have any leftover snacks, store them in an airtight container to keep them crispy.

15. Enjoy in Moderation:

    While crispy potato snacks are tasty, it's good to eat them in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

Making delicious crispy potato snacks takes a little practice, so don't worry if your first try isn't perfect. Just have fun and enjoy your homemade treats!

Here are some simple things you can serve with your potato snacks:


1. Dips:

·         Ketchup

·         Mayonnaise

·         Mustard

·         Ranch dressing

·         Sour cream

2. Sauces:

·         Hot sauce

·         Barbecue sauce

·         Sweet chili sauce


3. Salsas:

·         Tomato salsa

·         Mango salsa

·         Avocado salsa


4. Cheese:

·         Melted cheese

·         Cheese sauce

5. Vegetables:

·         Sliced cucumbers

·         Carrot sticks

·         Celery sticks


6. Fruits:

·         Apple slices

·         Grapes


7. Nuts:

·         Peanuts

·         Almonds


8. Beverages:

·         Cold water

·         Lemonade

·         Fruit juice

9. Simple Salad:

·         A small bowl of garden salad with lettuce, tomatoes, and a light dressing.

You can mix and match these ideas to create your own delicious combinations. Enjoy your potato snacks with your favorite sides!

 Nutritions facts:

Calories 196
 Fat 13.1g
 Sodium 141mg
 Carbohydrates 18.5mg
 Fiber 1.6g
 Sugars 1.3g
 Protein 1.9g
 Vitamin C 9.7mg

Preparation Time:   35 min

Cooking Time:   30 min

Cooling and Seasoning:   10 min

Total Time:  1 hour 30 min.

Servings:   2-3

Author: Asma Rasool

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