Benefits of cucumber juice For our Body


When it's hot or after you exercise, we might not think about cucumber juice as a drink. But cucumber juice is actually really good for us. It can do many things to make our body healthier. Let's learn why cucumber juice is important and how it can help us.

1. Keeps us Hydrated

Staying wet inside is important for our body to work right. Cucumber juice has a lot of water in it – about 95%! This helps us stay wet, especially on hot days or after us play a lot.

2. Gives us Good Stuff

Cucumber juice looks plain, but it has good things inside. Vitamins like vitamin K, vitamin C, and B vitamins are in cucumber juice. They help our bones, keep us from getting sick, and give us energy. Cucumbers also have stuff like potassium and magnesium that help our heart and blood pressure.

3. Helps us Not Get Too Big

If you're trying to not get too big, cucumber juice can help. It doesn't have many calories, and it has lots of water and fiber. This makes us not want to eat too much. The fiber also helps us go to the bathroom, which is good for our tummy.

4. Makes our Skin Nice

Cucumber juice is like magic for your skin. It has something called silica that makes your skin stretchy and stops wrinkles. Drinking cucumber juice can make our skin look good and shiny.

5. Cleans our Body

Our body works hard to get rid of bad stuff. Cucumber juice can help our body do this better. Cucumbers make us pee more and get rid of waste. This makes you feel good and fresh.

6. Helps our Body Use Good Stuff

When we eat food, our body takes good stuff from it. Cucumbers can help our body take more good stuff, like calcium for strong bones. If we drink cucumber juice with our food, our body can use the good stuff better.

7. Makes our Tummy Happy

Cucumber juice can stop tummy problems. It has lots of water and fiber that help us poop regularly. This is good for our tummy and makes us feel nice.

8. Fights Bad Things

Cucumber juice has things that fight bad stuff in our body. These things are like heroes that protect our cells. They stop bad things from hurting our body and making us sick.

9. Gives us Energy

Instead of sugary drinks that can make us crash later, try cucumber juice. It has water, vitamins, and good stuff that can give us energy without making us tired later.

10. Easy to Make

Making cucumber juice is easy. Just clean and peel the cucumbers, blend them, and strain the juice. We  can even add lemon or mint for more taste.

 Cucumber juice is really great for us. It helps with staying wet, not getting too big, and making our body work well. Adding cucumber juice to our day is an easy way to be healthier. So, next time you want a nice drink, try cucumber juice and see how much better you feel.

How to make cucumber juice:


  • 2 cucumbers
  • 1 lemon
  • Mint leaves (optional)
  • Sweetener (honey, sugar)
  • Ice cubes


  1. Wash and chop cucumbers.
  2. Juice cucumbers and lemon (or blend).
  3. Add mint for freshness.
  4. Sweeten to taste.
  5. Pour over ice.
  6. Enjoy!

Stay refreshed with homemade cucumber juice!

Prep Time: 5 min

Making Time: 5 min

Total Time: 10 min

Authors: Asma Rasool

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