Delicious and Easy Egg Fried Rice Recipe


Egg Fried Rice is a super yummy dish that's easy to make. It's like a flavor party in your mouth! You might have seen it in Asian restaurants, and guess what? You can make it at home too. All you need is a few things from your kitchen, and you're on your way to cooking up a storm.

Ingredients You Need:

1. Cooked Rice:

 If you have some rice from yesterday's dinner, that's perfect. If not, just cook some rice and let it cool down. You can use white rice or brown rice, whichever you like.

2. Eggs:

 You'll need a couple of eggs. Eggs are like magic in fried rice. They make it tasty and special.

3. Veggies: 

Get some veggies like carrots, peas, and whatever you like. Veggies not only add color but also make your fried rice healthy.

4. Oil:

 You need a little bit of oil. Any cooking oil you have will work.

5. Soy Sauce: 

This adds flavor and a nice color to your rice.

6. Salt:

 Just a pinch to make everything taste great.

7. Optional Extras: 

You can add some cooked chicken, shrimp, or tofu if you want. These are like the bonus players in your rice party.

 Let's Cook:

1. Get Ready: Chop your veggies into small pieces. If you're using chicken, shrimp, or tofu, make sure they're cooked and ready to go.

2. Scramble the Eggs: Break your eggs into a bowl and beat them. This means mix them up really well.

3. Heat the Pan: Put your pan or wok on the stove and turn on the heat. Let it get nice and hot.

4. Oil In: Pour a little bit of oil into the pan. Not too much, just a little splash.

5. Veggie Time: Toss in your chopped veggies. Listen to the sizzle! Stir them around. You want them to cook but still be a little crispy.

6. Egg Magic: Push the veggies to the side of the pan. Pour your beaten eggs into the other side. Watch them cook and turn into small pieces. Mix the eggs and veggies together.

7. Rice Party:  Time to add the rice. Put it in the pan and stir it with the egg and veggies. Keep stirring gently so everything gets mixed nicely.

8. Soy Sauce Splash: Drizzle some soy sauce all over the rice. This gives it a great flavor and that lovely brown color.

9.  Mix: Keep stirring everything. You want the soy sauce to cover all the rice and make it tasty.

10. Salt Pinch: Add a tiny bit of salt. Not too much, just a pinch. Stir it in.

11. Extras In: If you're adding chicken, shrimp, or tofu, put them in now. Mix everything together.

12. Ready to Eat: Turn off the heat. Your egg fried rice is ready to eat! Doesn't it look amazing?

13. Serve It Up: Put your delicious egg fried rice on plates. You did it! You made a fantastic meal.

Time to Enjoy:

Your egg fried rice is hot, tasty, and ready to be gobbled up. Share it with your family or have it all to yourself. It's a meal that's made with love and a sprinkle of kitchen magic. Enjoy!

Prep time: 10 min

cooking Time: 30 min

Total Time: 40 min

Author: Asma Rasool

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