Bread Poha Recipe: How to Make Delicious Bread Poha


Bread Poha is a delightful Indian breakfast dish that combines the flavors of soft bread cubes with a medley of spices, vegetables, and tangy lemon juice. It's a quick and easy recipe that's not only delicious but also versatile. Whether you're a busy professional looking for a speedy breakfast or someone who craves a flavorful snack, Bread Poha has got you covered.


In this article, we'll take you through the process of making Bread Poha and provide some valuable tips to make it perfect every time. We'll also explore some side dish ideas to elevate your breakfast experience.


What you’ll need:


Before we dive into the recipe, let's gather the ingredients:

- 4-5 slices of bread: You can use whole wheat or white bread, depending on your preference.

- 2 cups of flattened rice (poha): Rinse and soak the poha in water for a few minutes, then drain it.

- 2 tablespoons of oil: Vegetable oil or ghee works well.

- 1 teaspoon mustard seeds

- 1 teaspoon cumin seeds

- 1/2 teaspoon asafetida (hing)

- 1 onion, finely chopped

- 1-2 green chilies, finely chopped (adjust to your spice level)

- A handful of curry leaves

- 1/2 cup of green peas

- 1/2 cup of diced carrots

- 1/2 cup of diced bell peppers (red, green, or yellow)

- 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder

- 1 teaspoon red chili powder (adjust to taste)

- Salt to taste

- Juice of one lemon

- Fresh coriander leaves for garnish


Step-by-Step Instructions:


1. Prepare the Bread:

  Cut the bread slices into bite-sized pieces or cubes. Set them aside.


2. Heat the Oil:

  Place a deep pan or skillet on medium heat and add the oil.


3. Tempering:

  Once the oil is hot, add mustard, cumin, and asafetida (hing). Let them splutter.


4. Sauté the Aromatics:

  Add the finely chopped onions, green chilies, and curry leaves. Sauté until the onions turn translucent.


5. Add the Vegetables:

  Incorporate the diced carrots, green peas, and bell peppers into the pan. Cook them for a few minutes until they become tender.


6. Spices and Seasoning:

   Sprinkle the turmeric powder, red chili powder, and salt over the vegetables. Stir well to combine.


7. Bread Cubes:

   Now, add the bread cubes to the mixture. Gently toss them to coat with the spices and vegetables.


8. Add Soaked Poha:

   Carefully fold in the soaked and drained poha. Ensure it's evenly distributed.


9. Lemon Zest:

   Squeeze the juice of one lemon over the Bread Poha and zest its peel for added flavor. Mix well.


10. Garnish and Serve:

   Finally, garnish with fresh coriander leaves for a burst of freshness.


Perfect Making Tips:


Soaking Poha:

 Make sure to rinse the poha thoroughly and soak it in water for about 2-3 minutes. Drain it well to avoid it becoming mushy.


Spice Level:

 Adjust the quantity of green chilies and red chili powder according to your spice preference. You can also skip them if you prefer a milder flavor.



 Keep an eye on the bread cubes while sautéing. They should become crisp and golden without turning too hard.



 Feel free to customize your Bread Poha with other vegetables like corn, peas, or even some grated coconut for added texture and flavor.


Side Dish Ideas:


Bread Poha is delicious on its own, but if you want to enhance the experience, consider these side dishes:


Curd (Yogurt):

 A dollop of fresh yogurt complements the spiciness of Bread Poha.



 A coconut or coriander chutney adds an extra layer of flavor.



 Some tangy mango or lime pickles can be the perfect accompaniment.


Boiled Eggs:

 For a protein boost, serve Bread Poha with boiled eggs or a simple omelet.


Tea or Coffee:

 Pair your breakfast with a hot cup of tea or coffee for a comforting morning meal.


FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions):


1. Is Poha the same as flattened rice?

 Yes, Poha is flattened rice. It's rice that has been parboiled, rolled, and then flattened to make thin, flattened flakes. It's a common ingredient in Indian cuisine and comes in different thicknesses.


2. Can I use leftover bread for Bread Poha?

  Absolutely! Bread Poha is a great way to use up leftover bread. It's a creative and delicious alternative to traditional bread recipes.


3. Can I make Bread Poha with whole wheat bread for a healthier option?

   Yes, you can use whole wheat bread to make a healthier version of Bread Poha. It will add a nuttier flavor and extra fiber to the dish.


4. Is Bread Poha suitable for vegetarians and vegans?

Bread Poha can be suitable for vegetarians, but it's essential to check the bread's ingredients to ensure it doesn't contain any non-vegetarian components. For vegans, you can use vegetable oil or vegan butter instead of ghee.


5. How long can I store leftover Bread Poha?

 Leftover Bread Poha can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. Reheat it in a pan or microwave before serving.


6. Can I freeze Bread Poha for later use?

Freezing Bread Poha is not recommended as it may affect the texture of the bread and poha when thawed and reheated.


7. What are some other names for flattened rice in Indian cuisine?

In different regions of India, flattened rice is known by various names. It's called Poha in Maharashtra, Aval in Tamil Nadu, Chura in North India, and Atukulu in Andhra Pradesh.




Bread Poha is a simple yet delightful breakfast dish that can be easily prepared with a few basic ingredients. This versatile recipe allows you to get creative with your choice of vegetables and seasonings, making it a favorite for both busy mornings and leisurely brunches.


With the provided step-by-step guide, tips for perfect preparation, and suggested side dishes, you can now confidently embark on your journey to create a delicious Bread Poha. Whether you're a novice in the kitchen or an experienced cook, this recipe is sure to satisfy your taste buds.


So, the next time you find yourself with leftover bread or craving a tasty breakfast option, give Bread Poha a try. It's a wholesome and flavorful dish that celebrates the diverse flavors of Pakistani cuisine in a convenient and accessible way. Enjoy your culinary adventure!


Bread Poha is a versatile and flavorful breakfast option that's easy to prepare. With the right ingredients and a few simple tips, you can make a delicious meal quickly. Whether you're looking for a quick breakfast or a satisfying snack, Bread Poha is a delightful choice that's sure to please your taste buds. Enjoy!

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